studlyCapVar should use camelCase in both declaration and assignment sections

Getting a error “studlyCapVar” should use camelCase in both declaration and assignment sections.
can u tell what to do.

Your code so far

// Declarations
var studlyCapVaR = 10;
var properCamelCase ="A String";
var titleCaseOver = 9000;

// Assignments
var studlyCapVar =10;
properCamelCase = "A String";
titleCaseOver = 9000;

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Challenge: Understanding Case Sensitivity in Variables

Link to the challenge:

Your first declaration is not quite camelCase (you’ve got one too many letters capitalized).
For the assignment, you don’t need ‘var’ since you have already declared it above.

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Your first declaration was var studlyCapVaR = 10; em should be var studlyCapVar = 10; .