Submitting form to URL

I’m attempting Product Landing Page project, I included the URL=, in the action attribute of the form but still when i run a test it fails, I am then told i should use this mock URL.
Any help please or suggestion. Thank you

Hi @Anthony6!

Welcome to the forum!

It would help to see a link to the project.

I don’t have a link yet. this is how my form look in html:

  <label for="email">Let get started, enter your email</label><br>

  <input type="email" id="email" placeholder="enter your email" required><br>

  <input type="submit" name="email" id="submit" value="Get Started">


Tell me what am i missing.

what do the tests say? there is an error message below the failed test

Thanks guys, I was suppose to include the name attribute in the input tag for email…sorted.

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