Sum of all numbers in the range

Tell us what’s happening:
why is it logging 0 for everything i try ,even if i use push into an empty array its returning

Your code so far

function sumAll(arr) {
 let temp=0;
let max = Math.max(arr[0],arr[1])
 let min= Math.min(arr[0],arr[1]);
for(var i=max;i<=min;i--){
   temp += i
return temp
console.log(sumAll([1, 4]));

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Challenge: Sum All Numbers in a Range

Link to the challenge:

for(var i=max;i<=min;i--){

If you use that line:
is the outcome resulting eventually in an outcome of 0 in your code is that what you want?

that line is same as

i dint get you what you are trying to say

Maybe trying to visualize it would help you

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Your relational operator seems wrong.

for(var i=max;i<=min;i--){
   temp += i

It should be:

for(var i=max;i>=min;i--){
   temp += i

because i is max therefore you test if i >= min still not i <= min.

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thanks ! that helped