I am stuck in a survey form because my check boxes and text area(additional comments) are not descendant to survey form. I have given value to check boxes but still there is a error
<!-- file: index.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<form id="survey-form">
<h1 id="title">survey-form</h1>
<p id="description"> Dear users! thank you for your participation in this platform.</p>
<h2>Kindly fill the required information </h2>
<input type"text" id="name" value"name" required placeholder="Jack Angel"><label for="name" id="name-label">Name</label>
<input id="email" type="email" placeholder="***@gmail.com" name="email" required><label for="email" id="email-label">Email</label>
<input id="number" min="10" max="30" type="number" placeholder="20" >
<label for="number" id="number-label">number</label>
<h2 id="heading">We are looking forward to your answers </h2>
<legend>What's the skill that interest you the most? </legend>
<label for="frontend developer"><input type="radio" id="frontend developer" value="interest" name="interest" type="checkbox" checked>frontend developer </label>
<label for="backend developer"><input type="radio" id="backend developer" value="backend developer" name="interest">backend developer</label>
<label for="fullstack developer"><input type="radio" id="fullstack developer" value="fullstack developer" name="interest">fullstack developer </label>
<legend>how was the quality of our teaching about coding? </legend>
<label for="good"><input type="radio" id="good" value="good" name="good-bad-best-worst-normal">good</label>
<label for="bad"><input type="radio" name="good-bad-best-worst-normal" id="bad" value="bad">bad </label>
<label for="best"><input type="radio" name="good-bad-best-worst-normal" id="best" value="best" >best </label>
<label for="worst"><input type="radio" name="good-bad-best-worst-normal" id="worst" value="worst">worst </label>
<label for="normal"><input type="radio" name="good-bad-best-worst-normal" id="normal" value="quality" type="checbox" checked>normal </label>
<legend>What are the following programming languages you're good at? </legend>
<label for="html-css"><input type="radio" id="html-css" value="html-css" name="languages">Html-css </label>
<label for="javascript"><input type="radio" id="javascript" value="javascript" name="languages">Javascript </label>
<label for="python"><input type="radio" id="python" value="python" name="languages">Python </label>
<label for="other"><input type="radio" id="other" value="languages" type="checkbox" checked name="languages">other</label>
<label>Additional comments</label><input type="text" id="Additional comments">
<select id="dropdown">
<input id="submit" type="submit">
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Survey Form - Build a Survey Form