Survey Form - Build a Survey Form

Tell us what’s happening:


I just lost my whole project I started building since morning. I saved once since this morning and I thought it will auto save itself but unfortunately I lost the whole thing, is it possible to retrieve it?

Your code so far

<!-- file: index.html -->

/* file: styles.css */

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Survey Form - Build a Survey Form

I think you’re going to have to start over, sorry tho

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Don’t worry dude, this is a lesson for you and if you re-write your code again then it is practice.

You will understand code more deeply, please re-write your code again and Save that this time.

Hope You Understand.

I understand, though I didn’t get that far I did finished the html part, I was starting css that’s when I lost everything. I will start all over again tomorrow it will benefit me more by practicing. Thanks a lot for you feedbacks.

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