Survey Form - Build a Survey Form

Tell us what’s happening:

(I know it’s a mess, please don’t be harsh, I’m just getting started) I can’t add more (p)s I don’t know why, as you can see below the <select, there should be another statement to choose what you want to improve in the game, but I don’t know why when i add another (p) it doesn’t appear in the interface, most likely I screwed it up somewhere, can someone please help me?

Your code so far

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <title>Gacha Game Survey Form</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" />
    <div class="container">
      <header class="header">
    <h1 id="title" class="text-center">Gacha Game Survey</h1>
    <p id="description" class="description text-center">Let us know your opinion about the game by answering the following survey.</p>
    <p>Required items: (<span class='asterisk'>*</span>)</p>
    <form id="survey-form">
    <div class="form-group">
      <label id="name-label" for="name">Name <span class='asterisk'>*</span> </label><input id="name" name="name" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter your name"
" required /></div>
<div class="form-group">
     <p>Tell us your gender <span class='asterisk'>*</span></p> 
     <label><input type="radio" name="gender" value="male" class="input-radio" checked  /> Male</label>
     <label><input type="radio" name="gender" value="female" class="input-radio"  /> Female</label>
     <label><input type="radio" name="gender" value="other" class="input-radio"  /> Other</label></div>
         <div class="form-group">
<label id="number-label" for="number">Tell us your age <span class='asterisk'>*</span></label><input id="number" type="number" name="age" min="14" max="110" class="form-control" placeholder="Age" /></div>
    <div class="form-group">
  <p>Tell us your current ocupation <span class='asterisk'>*</span></p>
  <label><input type="radio" name="ocupation" value="student" class="input-radio" checked /> Student</label>
  <label><input type="radio" name="ocupation" value="full-time-employee" class="input-radio" /> Full-time employee</label>
  <label><input type="radio" name="ocupation" value="part-time-employee" class="input-radio" /> Part-time employee</label>
  <label><input type="radio" name="ocupation" value="self-employed" class="input-radio" /> Self-employed</label>
  <label><input type="radio" name="ocupation" value="unemployed" class="input-radio" /> Unemployed</label>
  <label><input type="radio" name="ocupation" value="other" class="input-radio" /> Other</label>
<div class="form-group">
<p>How did you found out about the game? <span class='asterisk'>*</span></p>
    <select id="dropdown" name="where-how" class="form-control" required>
    <option value="">select one</option>
    <option value="twitter">Ad on X (formerly Twitter)</option>
    <option value="instagram">Ad on Instagram</option>
    <option value="yt">Ad on YouTube</option>
    <option value="otherMedia">Video ad on other media
    <option value="friendFamily">Introduced by a friend/family</option>
    <option value="other">Other</option> 
<div class="form-group">
  </p><label><input type="checkbox" name="suggestions" value="summon-rates" class="input-checkbox" checked /> Summon rates</label>
  <label><input type="checkbox" name="suggestions" value="gameplay" class="input-checkbox" required /> Gameplay</label>
  <label><input type="checkbox" name="suggestions" value="moreGameModes" class="input-checkbox" required /> More game modes</label>
  <label><input  type="checkbox" name="suggestions" value="cinematicAnimations" class="input-checkbox" /> Cinematic animations</label>
  <label><input type="checkbox" name="suggestions" value="characterArt" class="input-checkbox" /> Characters' art</label>
  <label><input type="checkbox" name="suggestions" value="pvp" class="input-checkbox" /> PvP implementation</label>
  <label><input type="checkbox" name="suggestions" value="moreSummonAnimations" class="input-checkbox" /> More summon animations</label>
  <label><input type="checkbox" name="suggestions" value="missionRewards" class="input-checkbox" /> Mission rewards</label>
  <label><input type="checkbox" name="suggestions" value="pve" class="input-checkbox" /> More PvE content</label>
<div class="form-group" 
 <label for="personal-suggestion">Please tell us if you have any other suggestions<span class="clue">(optional)</span><textarea id="personal-suggestion" name="personalSuggestion" rows="5" cols="40" placeholder="Enter your suggestions here" class="input-textarea" /></textarea></div>
    <div class="form-group">
    <label for="email" id="email-label"> Lastly please introduce your email to obtain the rewards in-game <span class='asterisk'>*</span><input id="email" type="email" name="email" placeholder="Enter your email" class="form-control" required ></label>
      <div class="form-group">
      <button type="submit" id="submit" class="submit-button" />Submit</button>

  width: 80%
.text-center {
  text-align: center;
  color: red;
  font-size: 0.9rem;

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Challenge Information:

Survey Form - Build a Survey Form

you need to provide more information in order for me to help you

Hey Buddy , Here you need to add code and then tell us your problem, then only we will be able to help you.

And here no one will be harsh towards everyone will support you, just don’t worry about that okay !

Sorry i messed up with the “select”, you should be able to see the whole message now

your select should have a closing tag

1 Like

Oh, it’s true… i was so focused on adding and deleting "p"s that i didn’t notice that, Thanks!
Sorry one last time cuz even tho i just started i know how of a mess this code has to be for someone experienced

dont worry you can ask about anything you dont understand, we are all learning here