Survey Form Error Messages

I am having an issue the tests to pass for the HTML Error messages and the min/max number.
Can anyone help me?
I am a visual learner, so please give me an example rather than telling me to surround “this” with “that” or a vague reference. I do not remember this from building our webpage on FCC.
Here is what I have so far:

Hi Medearave
The tests are showing that you have 10 failures. It looks like you need to have the form elements with the required set up to pass the all tests.
This link HTML Forms ( should help to provide some examples for you.

Also in the project objective you are provided with an example that can assist.
Hope this helps.

Hey there,

the tests search for the first id.
Because you have duplicate ids, the tests fail.

You have to remove all ids in the label elements.
Then the tests will find the correct id in the input elements.

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