Survey page errors


My survey page had 10 errors that I’ve been battling with. I feel I have most of them right though.

User story #11,4,5,6,7,8,9,13,14,16

For example #10 says that I need to have a placeholder text and I do but it’s still showing as not complete

Please assist me with my errors because for some reason I cannot see the problem.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">

  Non-Olypmic Sports Survey Form

  <h1 id="title"> Non-Olympic Sports Survey Form </h1>

  <p id="description"> This survey is about non olympic sports and whether you think they should be in the olympics or not.</p>

<div id="name">
  <label id="name-label"> Your name </label>
  <input type="text" placeholder="enter name here" required>

<div id="email">
  <label id="email-label"> Your email </label>
  <input type="email" placeholder="enter email here" required>
<div id="number">
  <label id="number-label"> Cellphone </label>
  <input type="number" placeholder="number here" maxlength="10" max="10" required>
Do you like Pool?
  <label for="No">
    <input id="No" type="checkbox" name="no-not really-sort of-yes"> No
  <label for="Not really">
    <input id="Not really" type="checkbox" name="no-not really-sort of-yes"> Not really
  <label for="Sort of">
    <input id="Sort of" type="checkbox" name="no-not really-sort of-yes"> Sort of
  <label for="Yes">
    <input id="Yes" type="checkbox" name="no-not really-sort of-yes"> Yes


Do you think Pool should be in the Olympics?
  <label for="No">
    <input id="No2" type="radio" name="no-not really-sort of-yes"> No
  <label for="Not really">
    <input id="Not really4" type="radio" name="no-not really-sort of-yes"> Not really
  <label for="Sort of">
    <input id="Sort of2" type="radio" name="no-not really-sort of-yes"> Sort of
  <label for="Yes">
    <input id="Yes2" type="radio" name="no-not really-sort of-yes"> Yes


Do you like Darts?
  <label for="No">
    <input id="No3" type="checkbox" name="no-not really-sort of-yes"> No
  <label for="Not really">
    <input id="Not really3" type="checkbox" name="no-not really-sort of-yes"> Not really
  <label for="Sort of">
    <input id="Sort of3" type="checkbox" name="no-not really-sort of-yes"> Sort of
  <label for="Yes">
    <input id="Yes3" type="checkbox" name="no-not really-sort of-yes"> Yes


Do you think Darts should be in the Olympics?
  <label for="No">
    <input id="No1" type="radio" name="no-not really-sort of-yes"> No
  <label for="Not really">
    <input id="Not really1" value="Not really" type="radio" name="no-not really-sort of-yes"> Not really
  <label for="Sort of">
    <input id="Sort of1" type="radio" name="no-not really-sort of-yes"> Sort of
  <label for="Yes">
    <input id="Yes1" type="radio" name="no-not really-sort of-yes"> Yes


<div class="input-field">
  Please let us know what you think or if any other sport should be in the Olympics?
	<textarea placeholder="Your comments"> </textarea> 

<button id="submit" type="button"> Submit</button>


Do you have a link to a live version of this project?

Hey Vegeta.

Seems like you’ve missed to put an id attribute on your input elements.

As an example, your number input element should have the attribute id=“number”

I have that here though…

 <div id="number">
  <label id="number-label"> Cellphone </label>
  <input type="number" ***id="number"*** placeholder="number here" maxlength="10"  max="10" required>
1 Like

True, seems i was a bit hasty.

Your input fields are however enclosed within divs like

<div id="number">

Removing these for each input element makes the tests pass.

1 Like

id must be unique - you have some ids used multiple times in your page. Try fixing that


No problem, appreciate the help. It’s sorted.

Thanks. Now I just need to sort out my drop down.

I’m having problems with userstory 12 (dropdown) … I have the dropdown and it seems to be working but I don’t know why it’s not selecting an option or why it’s not passing?

Please have a look at my dropdown and see if you can find the problem.

you are not using the correct tag: