Technical Doc Page - Can't seem To Pass User Story #13

I’ve been working on the Tech Doc for about 6 hours. Completed the site yesterday, and today began to work on bugs.
However, for whatever reason, I’m not seeing where I’m making my mistake. I’d really appreciate it if a few people could put fresh eyes on it.
I can’t seem to get past User Story 13. Literally, every other test I worked out. But no, not number 13.
For quick reference, here’s what I’m supposed to be doing:

  1. When I click on a navbar element, the page should navigate to the corresponding section of the “main-doc” element (e.g. If I click on a “nav-link” element that contains the text “Hello world”, the page navigates to a element that has that id and contains the corresponding .

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Hi, welcome to the forum.

I had a look and it’s just a very minor issue.

Have a look at your “Affogato” a link. There are extra spaces there.

Hopefully that helps. And yes, the test is that specific haha.

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My attentiveness let me down :(. Thank you for responding!

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No worries, inattentiveness happens to all of us.

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