Technical Documentation Andrej

Here is the code to my technical documentation page. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.



Nice work! But the test seems failing… and the test says " The first element within each .main-section should be a element which contains text that describes the topic of that section." which are your h1s within each .main-section. Hope this helps hehe :slightly_smiling_face:

Oh ya I switched the header to h1 because when I ran the code through a html validator it said I needed an h1-h6 tag under the section element. Any idea on how and why this is?



When I switch all the h1 to header it passes the test but fails html validation.

Hmm. I’m not sure why that happened but instead of replacing h1 to header, I tried to nest all the h1 inside the header tag and it passes both the test & html validation. Hope this helped hehe :sweat_smile:

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Hi, andrejjj222

Nice work, but i find it difficult to read the menu (JS Documentation)
in the left side .
it seems red color with gray background not suitable together.
color contrast

Good luck in the next challenges.

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Ya for some reason when I did this it didnt pass the test because the heading of the section needed to be within the header tag and not the h1 tag therefore I didnt have anything to put in the h1 tag

That’s not failing W3C validation. A warning is not failing. That message just means for semantic reasons it would look better if you used an h2-h6 tag. Note that it said h2-h6, not h1.
If you’d like to not see the warning in W3C validation and still pass FCC’s test instead of this;
you can do this;

That’s nesting the h2 element within the header element.