Technical Documentation Page - Build a Technical Documentation Page (TEST N°17 You should have the same number of .nav-link and .main-section elements.)

The instructions ask me to have the same number of main-section elements as nav-link. And for what I can see, I already have.
I don’t know what to do or what it can be.
Just to clarify the content of the page is very different of the similar page that they give you because I find it easier to make something about I’m interested
Sry for any typo english is not my first language

<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
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    <link rel="sytlesheet" href="styles.css"> 
    <title>Powerlifting Technical Documentation Page</title>
    <main id="main-doc">
    <nav id="navbar">
        <li><a class="nav-link"href="#introduction">Introduction</li>
        <li><a class="nav-link"href="#sport_bases">Sport Bases</li>
        <li><a class="nav-link"href="#squat">Squat</li>
        <li><a class="nav-link"href="#bench_press">Bench Press</li>
        <li><a class="nav-link"href="#deadlift">Deadlift</a></li>
    <section class="main-section" id="introduction">
      <p>Powerlifitng is a stengh based sport wich is similar in his fundations to Weightlifitng wich is a more know Olympic Sport,with the differences that in weightlifting there are 2 lifts (Clean and Snatch) and in powerlifitng there are 3. The main objetive of powerlifting is lifting the most kilograms possible in each lift in one repetition.</p>
      <p>There are three types of lifts in Powerlifting:
          <li>Bench Press</li>
    <section id="sport_bases" class="main-section">
      <header><h1>Sport Bases</h1></header>
        <p>Every lifter will have 3 attempts for each lift, for the lift to be valid you need to have at least two out of three white lights. Each light is given by each judge, there are 3 judges, the main judge wich is positioned in front of the lifter and two judges in each side of the lifter. To have a white ligths the lift have to achieved a list of needs, that depends of the type of lifts. For example, in the squat the hips of the lifter have to be lower than the kness, in that point is a valid lift.</p>
      <p>There are other thinghs to have in mind like listen to the commands of the main judge, each of them have to be respected because if not the judges will give you a red light. There are also weight and age categories, in wich will depended the IPF points given to each lifter (a lighter lifter will have more points given for a lift of the same weight)</p> 
      <p>When the competion is donde there are going to be multiple winner. One for every weight and age categorie, a general winner in each age categorie, a general winner in each weight categorie, a winner in each lift for a weight/age categorie and a general winner for all the categories.
    <section id="squat" class="main-section">
        <p>The squat is complex movement in wich the lifter have to unrack the bar in his neck/traps squat the weight up and rack the bar again.</p>
        <p>This are the rules that the lifter have to completes for the lift to be valid</p>
          <li>Squats must hit below parallel (hip crease below top of knee</li>
          <li>Once you begin to stand the bar path must continue up</li>
          <li>Your feet must stay connected to the ground</li>
          <li>You cannot start, squat, or rack the barbell unless you have the referee command to do so</li>
        <p> The world record in the raw categorie fot the squat is 490kg by Ray Williams.</p>
        <img id="img"src=""alt="Ray Williams squatting 490kg"></a>
    <section id="bench_press" class="main-section">
      <header><h1>Bench Press</h1></header>
     <p>The bench press is probably one of the most known gym excercise, in this case the lifter have to unrack the bar whis his hand (he/she can ask for help to the back spotter), put it down to his chest and press it up</p>
        <p>This are the rules that the lifter have to completes for the lift to be valid</p>
          <li>The lifter must lie on his back with head, shoulders and buttocks in contact with the bench surface</li>
          <li>Once you begin to press the bar path must continue up</li>
          <li>Your feet must stay connected to the ground</li>
          <li>His hands and fingers must grip the bar positioned in the rack stands with a thumbs around grip.</li>
          <li>You cannot start, press, or rack the barbell unless you have the referee command to do so</li> 
        <p> The world record in the raw categorie for the bench press is 355kg by Julius Maddox.</p>
        <img id="img" src="" alt="Julius Maddox benching 355kg"></a> 
    <section id="deadlift" class="main-section">
      <p>The Deadlift is the most simple lift of all three, but at the same time the one that target more muscles. In this lift the lifter have to grab the bar (there are multiple types of grips: normal, mix and hook)and stand up until he/she lock out</p>
        <p>This are the rules that the lifter have to completes for the lift to be valid</p>
          <li>You have to be complety lockout: kness, hip, back and shoulders</li>
          <li>Once the bar start coming up his pad have to be continous, it can't have a down movement</li>
          <li>You cannot let go the bar</li>
          <li>You cannot put down the bar unless you have the referee command to do so</li> 
        <p> The world record in the raw categorie for the bench press is 487.5kg by Danny Grissby.</p>
        <img id="img" src="" alt="Danny Grissby deadlifting 487.5kg"></a> 

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Challenge: Technical Documentation Page - Build a Technical Documentation Page

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Links need both an opening and closing a tag.

You are right, I don’t know how I didn’t see that.
Thank you

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