Technical Documentation Page - Build a Technical Documentation Page

I do not understand this " Failed:All of your .main-section elements should be section elements."

Your code so far

Care Plan

<header>Customer Demographics</header>
 <header>Mental/Physical Health</header>
<!-- file: index.html -->
<main id="main-doc">
  <h1>Care Plan</h1>
  <section class-"main-section">

    <header>Customer Demographics</header>
  <section class-"main-section">
  <section class-"main-section">
     <header>Mental/Physical Health</header>
  <section class-"main-section">
  <section class-"main-section">
  <section class-"main-section"> 
/* file: styles.css */

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Technical Documentation Page - Build a Technical Documentation Page

Hello there!
It seems like you put “-” instead of “=” to link the class attribute to its value.
It should be looking like this: class="main-section" :slight_smile:

Hello! :wave:

Whenever you are giving an element a class or id attribute for example, the correct syntax should contain = to name a given attribute.

For example,

<h1 id="title"><h1>

Hope this helps!

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