Test Script on Cert Seems Wrong (?)

Hi All,

I was hoping to figure this out without reaching out to anyone for help, but, I’m really at a loss here. To me, it appears as if I have done everything correct, but, for some reason, the test script is still saying that I have a few things wrong.

I’ve checked the list in the results of the test, but, when double checking my HTML, it looks like I have met all of the listed requirements. Is it possible that the table layout I’ve used is throwing the test off?


I was hoping to figure this out without reaching out to anyone for help…

That’s just part of life. And part of being a developer - sometimes you need an extra set of eyes. Before the apocalypse, when I was in the office, my cubicle mate and I would occasionally turn to each other and ask us to look at each others code because we were just missing something.

Is it possible that the table layout I’ve used is throwing the test off?

Yeah, I can’t see why those tests are failing. But when I remove the table stuff, I get up to 15/17 passing. True, the table shouldn’t screw things up, but perhaps it is.

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Thank you for taking the time to take a look, and for the reply!

Hello mykveevus,

As what kevinSmith mentioned about table.

From my unstanding the form should not be child element of table.
The html is not well formed (maybe well formed not correct saying but not allowed) as the table child should be tbody, thead, tfoot or tr.

following allowed:

  <!--table markup here-->

If you inspect the document you can see the form is sitting empty at the top of the table. As said, if you switch them it should work.

For the name, email, and number input fields inside the form I can see corresponding labels that describe the purpose of each field with the following ids: id=“name-label”, id=“email-label”, and id=“number-label”.

You have given the for attribute the id values and have no ids on the labels. Remember the for attribute must match the id attribute on the corresponding input element.

You have this:

<label for="name-label">Artist Name</label><div></div>
<input type="text" id="name" required placeholder="Your Band Name Here">

Should be:

<label id="name-label" for="name">Artist Name</label><div></div>
<input type="text" id="name" required placeholder="Your Band Name Here">

Inside the form element, I am presented with a button with id=“submit” to submit all my inputs.

You do not have a button with this id.

ahhhhhhh :man_facepalming:

I see!! Thank you so much. Definitely understand now, that the form was a child of the table, and how that could cause problems. And yes, I had the values “for” and “id” attributes wrong. Thank you again for the clarification, everyone!!

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