Test trouble in 'Build an SQL Reference Object'


I’m working on the ‘Build an SQL Reference Object’ project and I’m having trouble with exercise 1510. Despite following the hints and using the provided solution, I’m encountering a ‘Test Runner Failed’ error.

I checked the .mocharc.json file and it seems to be according to the expected:
cat .mocharc.json
“spec”: [“./test/1510.test.js”],
“reporter”: “mocha-tap-reporter”,
“fail-zero”: false,
“timeout”: “5000”,
“exit”: “true”,
“grep”: “/./”

In the output tab, when I run the exercise, the result is:
------------------- RUN TEST -------------------
COMMAND: npm run programmatic-test --reporter=mocha-tap-reporter
Calling command: npm run programmatic-test --reporter=mocha-tap-reporter
STATE: “Tutorial.Level.Normal”
ROUTE: “Tutorial.Level.Normal”: On level 1510, step 1510.1
STATE: “Tutorial.Level.TestRunning”
ROUTE: “Tutorial.Level.TestRunning”: On level 1510, step 1510.1
---------------- TEST RESULTS -----------------
STATE: “Tutorial.Level.Normal”
ROUTE: “Tutorial.Level.Normal”: On level 1510, step 1510.1

Could someone help me figure out what might be going wrong? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
The exercise is awfully simple and I’m feeling very frustrated!
Thank you!

I reestarted the whole project and when I got to this exercise it worked perfectly. No ideia what happened.