The problem of old posts which no longer work

I am trying to install Zsh on Mac Big Sur. I have NEVER been a fan of typing in the terminal (I moved to Mac to avoid it) so I am certainly not an expert. I have Zsh installed but cannot authenticate in Zsh and I hoped to find a solution on this site so that I could stop spinning my wheels and do some actual work. The post I found looked promising here: How to Configure your macOs Terminal with Zsh like a Pro

However, NOTHING Works. I get an error related to not using Sudo and then another error when trying to get the Mac Xcode tools to load.

This is not a rare event There must be THOUSANDS of ancient posts which whould be deleted and, because they are not, they are wasting a HUGE amount of time for the hapless non-experts relying on these articles for help.

So, if you have posts on here, please review them and, id=f necessary, update them.

And if you are an admin for this site can I recommend that all posts REQUIRE a review every 12 months and, if not reviewed and updated, they are stored elsewhere and NOT provided to search engines.

Oh, and if you know where I can find an Up-To-Date article on implementing Zsh please let me know.


The nice thing in my opinion about the terminal is that almost nothing changes. I’ve used ANCIENT hacks.

The tricky thing is that there is a steep learning curve and it is ultimately something that you need to enjoy. That means that you can get caught out by quite simple issues at first.

More helpful than complaining about old posts would be actually showing us the exact nature of your problem. Both the commands you are inputing the errors you get back AND what you are trying to achieve

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Agreed. We can’t help if we don’t know what you want to do.

Unfortunately, technology changes rapidly and the internet is full of older solutions. It helps to double check the age of the of information when looking up solutions online.

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