Think before you code... How do you plan for your coding? (journal Entries)

Self vs. Rubber Ducky in Programming

I noticed, as a Programmer, that one can go beyond talking to a Rubber Ducky and simply talk out loud to ones self, no matter who’s watching/listening. Overcoming shyness++. That will be the day when I really go public with it without being sent to the G building, lol.

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Going deeper into JavaScript, I’ve decided to go into “JavaScript: The Definitive Guide: Activate Your Web Pages”, for it seems promising as I’m literally coding along with explaination(s) given (it’s literally code and note taking at the same time). What I’ve gone through, thus far, is refresher type to me (due to prior studies on JS) as I write the code and go back to the reading of it. It reminds me of my learning to learn studies I went through where some professors/instructors state to read before going through a lecture (being coding or whathaveyou) in class. So it’s like read lecture then code or viceVersa as I’ve been doing with writing the example code, running it, and reading the explanation of it (for there are plenty of comments with the code, in addition to main writing (within the book) about subject area within JavaScript. Here is the link from Amazon:

Going back over TOP to review what I’ve learned from the time going back and forth here and there. I’m currently working with the Project side of Github here:

This has helped me for it was hands on, step by step, vs. going over a video and having to pause here and there.

Further documentation of my journey in Web Development. Although TOP focuses on Ruby on Rails, it focuses on JavaScript as well (which is kind of recent (it’s been a few months now)).

Back to practice.

20180121 (oops, I didn’t post this last month)
Happy New Year everyone. Not as if I’m late with celebrating, but I’ve been busy in code and art.
Current update:

Seems like I’m getting better with JavaScript after going over a highly recommended book, if you wish to get out of JavaScript for a moment to breath. That book is “Python Crash Course”.

To me its a great book that helped me see get another perspective in the coding realm.

I have not finished the book. For now I was learning another perspective on “Arrays and Objects” or in Python’s naming syntax “Lists and Dictionaries”.

Why I stopped there?
I got discouraged for a moment with where the ‘Python Path’ was taking me and how I put in so much tim in with JavaScript thus far. I may go further with it by comparing the apples with oranges with looking over the pseudo and the actual code of Python and write it in JavaScript, or not. I say all that with other cool books published with Python Games. Doing the research there are 2 other books that goes in deep with Python programming with the help of creating games…

Currently back in Codecademy for HTML and CSS refresher. Last time I went in I was deep in JavaScript, where I was up to in “The Odin Project”. I went through where I had to tell myself to delete my account in Codecademy to go over JavaScript again, but then when I did that, I was in a different rabbit hole (FCC Guidance). Which was/is a great look to my overall development within my journey within Web Development. So taking the time out of JavaScript for the moment, as stated in last post… And now in this post stating I’m back in “The Odin Project”.

Not only for HTML and CSS (great refresher and additional notes upon what I’m not too familiar with, in addition to some things new to me (or not so new, but in comparison to using Bootstrap, I can actually go from scratch and work directly within CSS and create a grid class and define the sizing of the Grid template via rows and columns.

Previously (and soon current) I refreshed on Github and working with it through the Terminal. Fast forward I’m using “Brackets” editor again, as opposed to “Sublime Text” editor, due to it’s "live"ness with HTML and CSS (as I’m going over the code within Codecademy.

Happy Coding!

I see that Python has very similar Syntax to Javascript and C++. And when I get back it I should be a breeze to go through as I look over the code and the notes and maybe do examples of what I’ve learned thus far and continue forward with that (and what was stated in post above.

To become a coder you have to do projects. Try getting few projects as a freelancer and work on them hard.

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Hey Loveaanthony,

I’ve gone through another way of going through the projects thus far. For instance, I’ve loaded the exercise files from, when it comes to HTML/CSS/JavaScript. What I noticed is the that I can reverse engineer the overall layout and then compare/contrast my code to the authors code.

I’ll be posting that and various Projects assigned from p1xt’s Guidance and from websites I’m interested in recreating (working on).

As for projects as a freelancer, I’m working to reCreate my portfolio and get back into the groove of freelancing, ASAP. Just still kind of going through the motion of studies via a chosen few rabbit holes such as through (highly recommended for addition training outside of coding).

Seeing something new when it comes down to loops. Let’s say another loop created within same code file continues the loop from previous loop. And in some ways it does not matter the type of loop. Example:

var i = 10;
// first for loop
for (var i = 1; i <= n; i++) { … }

// next loop (let’s say while loop)
while (i <= n) { … }

First loop goes up to 10
Next loop would continue onwards to another loop of 10, starting from 10 (or was it 11) to 20. Reason being

Just a breakthrough (I believe) as I was going over some practice within “Course - Programming for the Web with JavaScript”. Here is the link to the course:

This course is within most of p1xt’s Guides, within either Tier 1 or 2.

The best thing about it is because I’ve gone through JavaScript for so long, I’m able to go over their .pdf file (kind of like a code along, but going over it in advance (somewhat like a refresher and maybe knowing something knew). The way I see it is they did it where you can think of code to create as you go over the examples (even before the examples given (you’ll know what I’m talking about once you get into it). I’m referring to Week 2 of this course where they discuss JavaScript.

Hoping this course will take me to the next level, being the backend of JavaScript, discussed in Week’s 3 and 4, when I get there. Stay tuned and happy coding to all.

P.S. I should post Week 2 (dealing with JavaScript and details are in the comments of my code (as usual) within my Github as I already created a Repo here:

There should be so much more Repo’s; but hey at least there is so much more, locally in my computer as I continue my journey. Again, stay tuned.

As I’ve gotten to know more about Programming and Web Development, I’m seeing more how programming is more powerful than Web Development. Or at least I see that one must know Programming to really become a Web Developer.

Looking over what I went through yesterday… I saw more details of “Prototype”. Let’s see in “laymans terms” (and how I’m able to recall after going over this (Week 2 with Functions and Prototypes) 2 times).

So far what I know:

  • Prototypes are like objects and/or functions
  • You can reference a prototype using proto
  • Strange with calling the prototype though. similar to objects calling with dot operation. Sample:
// Players
function players(name, levelNumber)  // level number

In addition, where I’m at has lead me to get deeper into YDKJS Series, titled This & Object Prototypes.

Excuse the last post, for it looks like I edited it a while back and left it idle.

Current Journal Entry in my journey as a Coder (Programmer). Here is what I wrote to myself:

Now imagine going through a 2 week vacation, from BackToWork Program (in other words Welfare). Would you actually go on vacation, continue looking for work, or continue building your ass off with what will get you the work

It’s that serious. I’ve been on/off Welfare for quite some time. Mind you I’m a graduate of Devry Institute of Technology (I now owe $60k to (and this was for a 2004 Bachelor’s Degree). Anyway, I’ve been going through various Rabbit Holes and narrowed it down to 3 Places to go to within this journey of mine.

The Odin Project
Free Code Camp
Rithm School

There are in-betweens as well (books, online tutorials, you know what I mean).

I may keep this updated for I don’t officially have a blog as of yet (which should be a high priority, especially since I have the skills to create one by now (easily with Wordpress and just to create a child theme to manipulate the design and functions). But as some of you are doing, going back to the basics (almost like going back to school, but on your own terms and time available because all is open source and its a matter of just doing). Not in a sense of starting over, but in a sense of knowing what is to know to keep consistent with the technologies ahead". By knowing the basics (the fundamentals) of programming.

Eventually I’ll create my blog for I’ve been writing within my journal within my computer “every single day”. Some with details, some with summary as little as one liners.

I’m getting used to JavaScript with the DOM in mind (and practice) where I should be able to take baby steps in the creation of my blog within Github. I just googled my alteredSelf, RacketInk. By simply typing in the search github racketink resume. Which links here:

But then here is the direct link to my domain linked to Github (part of github pages.). And link is in description within above link to my Github account:

Correction, not connected in my domain page as of yet. (maybe as the seasons change (the sooner, the better).

Current focus is to get towards ReactJS Framework. But it seems I should get some more practicing in before that according to RithmSchool:

It seems like a go to track to work with for I’ve been practicing through RithmSchool for quite some time that I have some great reference materials that I need to look back upon to make things stick (especially with JavaScript and Github within Terminal… Look back and practice practice practice.)

On the other side of my timeframe. More practice within Art. I’ve been going over textbooks and sketching the artworks. It’s time to take those artworks, especially originals from all that practice into Digital format with Photoshop and Illustrator. I have on my instagram a fraction of sketches I’ve been practicing on and looking with very little digital artworks, but that’s going to change as well so stay tuned on that via instagram (for now):

With all that said as of recent, I know I’m meant to do something in this world in a sense of contribution, which includes all that I’m going through. I’m also into fitness for even programmers have to stay in shape. Check me out on that side within instagram:

Did I mention that I love to write and speak (I’ve given unexpected lectures to crowd of people as if I was the guest speaker, but I took initiative when opportunity given and I would improvise with the various skills I posses).

So much on my plate, and I’m still waiting on reply on July Cohort within FCC Chingu Voyage. Ending this as I look over the links from googling the last 2 words in last sentance (just now thought in semi psueudocode or something). I command-clicked top two links to:
The Chingu Project Tips for the start of the Voyage

and The Voyage-4 Handbook

to look over to see if I missed something and just to do an overview for self for everything connects.

Happy coding/designing/creating

Coming back into the side of JavaScript, with FreeCodeCamp via… Youtube:

Looking over my lower right hand side of screen I see this:

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Why not? This is not a short term goal after all.