This is my website check here

Hi there
This is my First Day on free code camp

WebsitePreformatted text


hello and welcome to fcc forum :slight_smile:

cool stuff!! a lot of information is over there, do you want to show all those certificates in some other way so that scrolling doesnt get too lengthy?!

also a slight typo in your contact me starting line

well done and happy coding :slight_smile:

Hi there and welcome to the FCC forum. Your website looks great. Keep up the good work.

I would move the projects up before the certificates and make sure you add at least one full stack app and one framework app (React would be a skill worth showing off).

Maybe add separate pages for some of the content. Like the certificates, and move your athletic stuff to some kind of free time/other interests page, they are irrelevant to the main information you want to convey.

As an aside, disabling right-click is dumb. You can get to the dev tools anyway, and doing “content protection” on a web dev site is completely antithetical. For example, lots of companies will have Easter eggs in the source code for developers, like job application information, etc.


Hi there,

Your website looks great!

Are you asking for code feedback and design? If you want code feedback, please include the link to your repo.