TIC-TAC-TOE problem


I begin with javascript and I made this code to play TIC-TAC-TOE.
To play it you must enter a digit corresponding to the location of where you want to play (like a cellphone 1 for left top, 2 for middle top, 3 for right top and so on).
It works but i got a problem finding why sometimes I’m able to replay at a position / location that I already used, despite that I have an array and a loop that prevent this. What’s the problem ?

Thanks for helping me out :wink:

// Tic-Tac-Toe

class Player // player
	constructor(name) // construction of player requires only a name
		this.name = name;

const Display = array => // Display the grid by using the array parameter values and text mecanics
	console.log(`\n ${array[0]} | ${array[1]} | ${array[2]}\n ---------\n ${array[3]} | ${array[4]} | ${array[5]}\n ---------\n ${array[6]} | ${array[7]} | ${array[8]}\n \n`);

const InitTicTacToe = tictactoeArray => // Initialize the array to make an empty grid
		for(let i = 0; i < 9; i++)
			tictactoeArray[i]=" ";

const WinTicTacToe = (tictactoeArray, lastPlayer) => // Return 1 if a winning condition is true
	if((((tictactoeArray[0] === tictactoeArray[1]) && (tictactoeArray[1] === tictactoeArray[2])) && ((tictactoeArray[0] === "X") || (tictactoeArray[0] === "O"))) // Top horizontal
	|| (((tictactoeArray[3] === tictactoeArray[4]) && (tictactoeArray[4] === tictactoeArray[5])) && ((tictactoeArray[3] === "X") || (tictactoeArray[3] === "O"))) // Middle horizontal
	|| (((tictactoeArray[6] === tictactoeArray[7]) && (tictactoeArray[7] === tictactoeArray[8])) && ((tictactoeArray[6] === "X") || (tictactoeArray[6] === "O"))) // Bottom horizontal
	|| (((tictactoeArray[0] === tictactoeArray[3]) && (tictactoeArray[3] === tictactoeArray[6])) && ((tictactoeArray[0] === "X") || (tictactoeArray[0] === "O"))) // Left vertical
	|| (((tictactoeArray[1] === tictactoeArray[4]) && (tictactoeArray[4] === tictactoeArray[7])) && ((tictactoeArray[1] === "X") || (tictactoeArray[1] === "O"))) // Middle vertical
	|| (((tictactoeArray[2] === tictactoeArray[5]) && (tictactoeArray[5] === tictactoeArray[8])) && ((tictactoeArray[2] === "X") || (tictactoeArray[2] === "O"))) // Right vertical
	|| (((tictactoeArray[0] === tictactoeArray[4]) && (tictactoeArray[4] === tictactoeArray[8])) && ((tictactoeArray[0] === "X") || (tictactoeArray[0] === "O"))) // Left top bottom right diagonal
	|| (((tictactoeArray[2] === tictactoeArray[4]) && (tictactoeArray[4] === tictactoeArray[6])) && ((tictactoeArray[2] === "X") || (tictactoeArray[2] === "O"))))
		console.log(`${lastPlayer.name} won !`); // Display the victory
		return 1; // return 1

const GameTicTacToe = (tictactoeArray, player1, player2) => // Play the game itself
	InitTicTacToe(tictactoeArray); // Initialize the array
	let usedLocation = []; // Array of locations already used
	let i = 0; // while loop variable
	let winner = "no"; // winner detection
	while((i < tictactoeArray.length) && (winner != "yes")) // 9 turns or less if there is a winner
		let lastPlayer = ""; // Last player
		let location = ""; // Location where you want to put your mark
		if((i%2) === 0) // Player 1 turn
			location = Number(prompt(`${player1.name}, choose your X`)); // Location where you want to put your mark
			for(let i = 0; i< usedLocation.length; i++) // Look in the array of locations already used
				while((location === usedLocation[i]) || ((location !== 1) && (location !== 2) && (location !== 3) && (location !== 4) 
				&& (location !== 5) && (location !== 6) && (location !== 7) && (location !== 8) && (location !== 9))) // Any used location or wrong location 
					alert("Please make a valid location choice"); 
					location = Number(prompt(`${player1.name}, choose your X`)); // Re-enter a valid choice
			tictactoeArray[location-1]="X"; // Update the grid with the mark
			lastPlayer = player1; // Update the last player
		else // Player 2 turn
			location = Number(prompt(`${player2.name}, choose your O`)); // Location where you want to put your mark
			for(let i = 0; i< usedLocation.length; i++) // Look in the array of locations already used
				while((location === usedLocation[i]) || ((location !== 1) && (location !== 2) && (location !== 3) && (location !== 4) 
				&& (location !== 5) && (location !== 6) && (location !== 7) && (location !== 8) && (location !== 9))) // Any used location or wrong location 
					alert("Please make a valid location choice");
					location = Number(prompt(`${player2.name}, choose your O`)); // Re-enter a valid choice
			tictactoeArray[location-1]="O"; // Update the grid with the mark
			lastPlayer = player2; // Update the last playe
		usedLocation.push(location); // Update the array with the previous used location
		for(let i = 0; i < usedLocation.length; i++)
			console.log(`${usedLocation[i]}	`);                ///////////////////////////
		console.log(`Round ${i+1} :\n`); // Display the round no at the end of the round
		Display(tictactoeArray); // Display the grid at the end of the round
		if(WinTicTacToe(tictactoeArray, lastPlayer) === 1) // Check if someone just won, function return 1
			winner = "yes"; // winner string changed to yes if someone won
		i++; // while incrementation

const player1 = new Player(prompt("Choose player 1 name :")); // Create player 1
const player2 = new Player(prompt("Choose player 2 name :")); // Create player 2
alert("TIC-TAC-TOE !"); // Beginning message
let choice = ""; // choice
choice = Number(prompt("Make your choice :\n 1 : Play \n 2 : Change Name\n 0 : Quit")); // Turn the choice into a number
while(choice !== 0) // While user don't choose to leave
	switch(choice) // switch the choice
		case 1:
		const tictactoeArray = [];
		GameTicTacToe(tictactoeArray, player1, player2); // Play the game
		case 2:
		player1.name = prompt("Choose player 1 name :"); // Change player 1 name
		player2.name = prompt("Choose player 2 name :"); // Change player 2 name
	choice = Number(prompt("Make your choice :\n 1 : Play \n 2 : Change Name\n 0 : Quit")); // Turn the choice into a number

alert("Goodbye !"); // End message 

Well 2 5 3 1 4 and then 2 for example, the second 2 replace the cross from player 1 with the bubble of player 2 despite the usedLocation array already contains a 2.