Time Calculator - FCC project - Days

Hi guys,

I am working on the second project at FCC, the Time Calculator, and all working, passing tests except the days. This is part for the day code, getting error message: TypeError: unhashable type: ‘list’

Any hint/advice?

#day - list
#days_of_week - dictionary
 #day_key - list

day = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]
day_key = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

days_of_week = { "Monday" : 1,
        "Tuesday" : 2,
        "Wednesday" : 3,
        "Thursday" : 4,
        "Friday" : 5,
        "Saturday" : 6,
        "Sunday" : 7}

if day:
    day_value = int(days_of_week[day] + n) % 7
    new_day = day[day_value]
    #for example
    # day = starting day, n days later
day = "Tuesday"            
n = 16     

I’m assuming the line with error is

    day_value = int(days_of_week[day] + n) % 7

Could you explain what this line should be doing? Then compare it with what actually is happening, considering what, at that point, each variable is.

i was aiming to get value for the day of the week + days from that day and 7 was max value so it will reset again, for example:

day_value = int(days_of_week[Tuesday] + 16 days from tuesday
so (2 + 16) % 7
which means 4 so result should be Thursday

Okay, but when that line is executed day contains list with all days.

ah, i thought it will execute once i put some spec day and number of days (as in example) and print one day only

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