Timestamp microservice not passing in FCC's link

my code is passing all the test in my browser, yet its not passing in my repl and the FCC’s solution link.
3rd day ive been on this now… already tried different codes, same thing.


 resObject = {};
app.get('/api/timestamp/:input', (req, res) => {
let input = req.params.input;

  resObject['unix'] = new Date(input).getTime();
  resObject['utc'] = new Date(input).toUTCString();
  input = parseInt(input);
  resObject['unix'] = new Date(input).getTime();
  resObject['utc'] = new Date(input).toUTCString();

if(!resObject['unix'] || !resObject['utc']){
  res.json({error: "Invalid Date"})


app.get('/api/timestamp', (req, res) => {
resObject['unix'] = new Date().getTime();
resObject['utc'] = new Date().toUTCString();


Hi @6ix-Ville !

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i cant believe ive been figuring it out myself (felt like a code guru, only lasted for one sec tho)
so now every other thing is passing except this code

resObject = {};
app.get('/api/:date_string', (req, res) => {
let date_string = req.params.date_string;

  resObject['unix'] = new Date(date_string).getTime();

  resObject['utc'] = new Date(date_string).toUTCString();
  date_string = parseInt(date_string);
  resObject['unix'] = new Date(date_string).getTime();

  resObject['utc'] = new Date(date_string).toUTCString();

if(!resObject['unix'] || !resObject['utc']){
  res.json({error: "Invalid Date"})


app.get('/api/', (req, res) => {
resObject['unix'] = new Date().getTime();
resObject['utc'] = new Date().toUTCString();


except this part

Your project can handle dates that can be successfully parsed by new Date(date_string)

pls any help on how pass only this part?

passed it already…MYSELF…learnt a lot in ds process

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