Tips for success (Coding)

I started the coding lessons two days ago but find none of this to be intuitive. I struggle with the information and often need to watch the videos to complete the tasks. What advice can you give me? How can I assimilate the information more easily? Should I be doing this in concert with other tutoring videos or applications? Your help is greatly appreciated!

Learning to write code is hard. It’s not intuitive for most people. Many challenges may take you a long time to work through and you’ll probably get it wrong several times before you get it right. It’s totally normal to use additional resources; learning how to do research is a big part of learning to program.

What I do not recommend (9 times out of 10) is looking at solutions to figure it out.


If you search the forum, you will find a lot of people with the same things.

I struggle with the information and often need to watch the videos to complete the tasks.

Sure, I did the same thing a lot. The important thing is that you learn it.

What advice can you give me?

Learn and build things, don’t give up.

How can I assimilate the information more easily?

If it were easy, this job would be done by high school dropouts and would pay minimum wage. This is hard. But learnable.

Should I be doing this in concert with other tutoring videos or applications?

That’s up to you. FCC is not comprehensive - it sometimes move quickly through material. There is just too much stuff to cover to cover everything deeply and too many people would get bored. So, it moves quickly and if there is something you feel you need to learn better, you can seek out other sources. to fill in the gaps. But I do recommend using FCC (or something like it) as a primary path - don’t start jumping all over the place. Have a path (FCC is a good one) and take little side quests if you need to but keep coming back to that path. And don’t worry about perfection - no one has all of this memorized. And you if get bogged down trying to get perfect, you’ll never get anywhere.

Just learn and remember that this stuff is hard. Most people will end up struggling with at least one thing, if not many.


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