Title Case a Sentence - Expresion got ' ; '

Hi all I’m getting error expected expression got ‘;’

Any pointers?

function titleCase(str) {
     var strArray = str.split(" ");
     var e;
     var lowerCaseArray = for(e in strArray) {strArray[e].toLowerCase};
     var i;
     for (i in lowerCaseArray){
         moveUpperCase += this.replace(charAt(0), this.toUpperCase);
     str = moveUpperCase.join(" ");
  return str;

titleCase("I'm a little tea pot");

Your indentation suggests that your code is incomplete. I think it’s missing a few lines:

function titleCase() {
  var moveUpperCase = [];

Also, you can’t do this:

(This isn’t CoffeeScript or Python.)

What you should be doing is using the map function.

That would look like this:

var lowerCaseArray = strArray.map(e => e.toLowerCase());

By the way (although off-topic) you shouldn’t be using for..in for looping through elements in an array. You should be using a for..of loop instead. Besides, this looks logically wrong:

The this value you’re referring to is not really the one that you want. Here, this refers to the global object window. You don’t want that. Instead, you want lowerCaseArray[i].

Also, this:

The way I think you’ve intended to use replace is slightly different from how it actually works. Unfortunately, in JavaScript, there is no built-in function that replaces the nth character of a String. You’ll have to define your own.

Again, one more thing:

Again, you’re referring to this, which is not what I think you want to do. If I were you, I’d replace that with el.charAt(0). And toUpperCase is a function, you’re missing two brackets after it (toUpperCase()).

Oh, and as @camperextraordinaire had noted and I had missed, you can’t use += for adding elements to arrays. Try using Array.prototype.push().

Hope all this helped! :wink: