Tribute Page - Build a Tribute Page - problem with the "Run the tests" option

**Tell us what’s happening: After I click “Run the tests” it shows that I didn’t meet the following requirements:

“Your img element should have a display of block.”
“Your #image should have a max-width of 100%.”
“Your #image should be centered within its parent.”

but I can definitely included them in the code. I’ve run both the HTML and the CSS file through validators and they both came out without any errors.

Your code so far


The challenge seed code and/or your solution exceeded the maximum length we can port over from the challenge.

You will need to take an additional step here so the code you wrote presents in an easy to read format.

Please copy/paste all the editor code showing in the challenge from where you just linked.

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      <h1 id="title">Maria Skłodowska-Curie</h1>
      <h2>the woman who changed chemistry</h2>
      <figure id="img-div">
          alt="a black-and-white photo of Maria Skłodowska-Curie in laboratory"
        <figcaption id="img-caption">
          Maria Skłodowska-Curie, the first female Nobel prize winner, in her
      <section id="tribute-info">
        <h3 id="headline">A timeline of Maria Skłodowska-Curie's life:</h3>
            <strong>1867</strong> - born on November 7th in Warsaw, Poland
            <strong>1883</strong> - graduated middle school with a gold medal
          <li><strong>1891</strong> - left Poland to study in Paris</li>
            <strong>1895</strong> - married Pierre Curie, French physicist
          <li><strong>1897</strong> - birth of the first daughter, Irene</li>
            <strong>1898</strong> - discovered polonium in July, in December -
            <strong>1903</strong> - received her doctorate from the University
            of Paris in June
            <strong>1903</strong> - awarded a Nobel Prize in Physics as the
            first woman in history alongside her husband, Pierre Curie and Henri
          <li><strong>1904</strong> - birth of the second daughter, Eve</li>
            <strong>1906</strong> - tragic death of her husband, Pierre in April
            <strong>1906</strong> - became the first female professor at the
            University of Paris
          <li><strong>1910</strong> - success in isolating radium</li>
            <strong>1911</strong> - awarded her second Nobel Prize in Chemistry
            for discovering and isolating radium
            <strong>1914</strong> - developed mobile radiography units to help
            wounded soldiers in WWI
            <strong>1922</strong> - became a fellow of the French Academy of
            <strong>1930</strong> - elected to the International Atomic Weights
            <strong>1931</strong> - awarded the Cameron Prize for Therapeutics
            of the University of Edinburgh
          <li><strong>1934</strong> - last visit in Poland</li>
            <strong>1934</strong> - died aged 66 in France, possibly due to the
            long-term exposure to radiation
            "The result of the Curies' work was epoch-making. Radium's
            radioactivity was so great that it could not be ignored. It seemed
            to contradict the principle of the conservation of energy and
            therefore forced a reconsideration of the foundations of physics. On
            the experimental level the discovery of radium provided men like
            Ernest Rutherford with sources of radioactivity with which they
            could probe the structure of the atom. As a result of Rutherford's
            experiments with alpha radiation, the nuclear atom was first
            postulated. In medicine, the radioactivity of radium appeared to
            offer a means by which cancer could be successfully attacked."
          <cite>-- Cornell University professor, L. Pearce Williams</cite>
          If you have time, you should read more about this incredible woman on
            >Wikipedia page</a

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Challenge: Tribute Page - Build a Tribute Page

Link to the challenge:

try linking to styles.css instead of style.css

thank you!! i didn’t see that one

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