Tribute page: Daniel H. Wilson

Hi everyone. I’m new to freeCodeCamp and I just completed my tribute page. All feedback is appreciated. Thank you in advance!

The layout is very nice, @rmartinez75.

I would suggest two things:

  1. Make the book cover images all the same height so there’s a uniform look to that section.
  2. You spelled “Wikipedia” incorrectly twice.

Thanks so much @JaceyBennett for the feedback. Its really helpful and I will definitely make those changes.


Yeah, I agree with the uniform size for the book covers.

Also, I “feel” it’s missing a header.

You’re right. I thought about it but felt it may be too much since his name is already in the image. But I’ll try it. Thank you @owel

I noticed that… but when viewed on a mobile display screen, that text on the main photo is unreadable at the small size…

Just noticed that. I’m going to work on it. @owel

Thank you @camperextraordinaire for the idea. I will be googling!