Tribute page Feedback - Muhammad Ali Tribute page

Here’s my Tribute page
Any and all critiques are most welcome! :wink: :wink:

Hey Joseph,
Well done on your project! I like how you got it to fit nicely on the mobile screen. A few suggestions, it might be a good idea to change the title text. It is hard to read, and I did not know what it was supposed to say until I looked at your content. Also, try centering the picture of Ali at the bottom. The view on my phone looks like it is more aligned to the right side of the screen. I actually think you could reduce the space between the title and the beginning you your content

Nice job

thank you for taking the time to look at my project,
with some updates

Looks good. I think the biggest challenges (at least for me) on any project is the typography and color scheme. I would suggest to playing around with both and seeing what looks good. You can always search projects online and see if anything other people have done can inspire you.

Keep going strong!

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Your page looks good @josephardev. Some things to revisit;

  • codepen does the boilerplate for you. No need to link to the stylesheet. In the HTML editor codepen only expects the code that the browser displays. That is, code that goes between the body tags.
  • Run your HTML code through the W3C validator.
    • There are HTML syntax/coding errors you should be aware of and address.
      Since copy/paste from codepen you can ignore the first warning and first two errors.
  • Accessibility is about being accessible to all users. Review the giving meaningful text to links lesson. For a more thorough explanation read Web Accessibility in Mind.
    • wikipedia entry” is not accessible
      Also, be wary of changing the color of links. You don’t want user’s having to guess where a link is.
  • Use a contrast checker and check your color. Red text on a grey background is hard to read.
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Your page is looking really good! I really like your time line. Seen some feedback on contrast, it’s looking really good now - a site I absolutely love is

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