Tribute page image insert problem

Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong? I am preparing my tribute page for submission and I can’t insert the image - no matter what I do! I have looked on Google, w3schools, and of course on here, but nothing.
I have saved the image to my laptop and when I insert the file name, I just get the broken image icon.
I managed to get the image on Codepen and I will show it here:

The image shows on Codepen, but as you can see I have to use the absolute rather then the relative. I have experimented with other images and I get the same problem when I right click on an image and save as filename.png or filename.jpg

I really would appreciate any help/advice an I am asking for help now because I have been looking for quite a while now and just feel that I can’t move on with the project until I solve this issue.

I have a Windows 10 and Edge browser if that helps!

Thank you so much! Jayne

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you can’t use the image saved on your laptop in an online editor, the online editor and everyone else that would see your project does not have access to your computer. You will need to host your image online, or use an online editor that support uploading images to it

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ieahleen, thank you. I managed to get it to work. But you have given me some interesting info to bear in mind. Jayne

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