Hey there! Just started the first course on freeCodeCamp this week and started my first project . Took me 4,5 hours to complete it. What do you think?
Hi there,
Nice job. Your page looks good. Just a couple things I noticed.
When you shrink the viewport, your image spills over its div. I think using 50rem rather than a percentage for max-width is causing this.
Your padding/margin settings for your timeline make the text very narrow, especially for smaller screens.
Welcome to the forums @Mosakay. Your page looks good. Some things to revisit;
- Accessibility is about being accessible to all users. Review the giving meaningful text to links lesson. For a more thorough explanation read Web Accessibility in Mind.
- “wikipedia” is not accessible
- Make your page responsive. Remember, the R in RWD stands for Responsive
- There’s a horizontal scrollbar on smaller screens. The picture falls out of it’s container and the tribute info is one word per line (see screenshot)
- There’s a horizontal scrollbar on smaller screens. The picture falls out of it’s container and the tribute info is one word per line (see screenshot)
@anon38330656, I don’t want to hijack another’s thread but just want to say;
- don’t have others compare their page to yours or have them style like yours. each page is unique to the coder
- your page does not pass all user stories so it’s not a good example for others to follow.
Thank you for your feedback!
I’ve done some changes for smaller devices, I think now should be fine
@media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {
#image {
max-width: 25rem;
#tribute-info {
margin: 5px 5px;
@Roma appreciate it! I ve done some changes as well for the a tag
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