Hey there!
I finished my tribute page about Alan Rickman and I would be happy if you can take a look and give me some feedbacks.
Yes, it’s very simple:
See the website here: http://domcorvasce.github.io/tribute-page/index.html
Note: I’m not an English native speaker so sorry for grammar errors.
Very nice! The image isn’t showing up (I’ve seen that before with Imgur on Code Pen, but I don’t know what the solution is). It’s simple and clear. I like that you’ve avoided pure black and white for the colours—this helps readability a lot. I also like the use of inline elements like <q>
and <span>
to help with styling.
I might play around with more contrast in the typography (perhaps use some sans serifs for the headings).
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Thanks a lot for your advices 
Anyway, I changed the image’s link.
I like this a lot. Great job!
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I think it looks great! I agree with stewartmurrie that the readability is good with the greys 
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