almost done the Tribute page but , the background is not all grey for the whole page . about:blank
Hello, no one can do any thing without the link to the page and the code, send both so others can edit and/or see if there`s errors.
thank you , here you go sir :
Mark ZuckerbergMark Zuckerberg
The man who changed the world
Here is a time line of Mark Zuckerberg'life:
- 2004: Created Facebook while a student at Harvard University.
- 2005: Facebook reaches one million users.
- 2007: Becomes the world's youngest self-made billionaire at 23.
- 2010: Named Time Person of the Year.
- 2012: Acquires Instagram, a photo-sharing app, for $1 billion.
- 2016: Inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame.
- 2018: Launches Facebook AI Research Labs, focusing on artificial intelligence research.
- 2019: Facebook reaches 2.7 billion monthly active users worldwide.
- 2021: Announces Metaverse vision for a future of interconnected virtual worlds.
- 2023: Named one of the world's most influential people by Forbes.
#main{max-width:1280px; max-height:100% ; margin:30px auto; padding:15px; background-color:#dddddd; border-radius:5px; }
#title{text-align:center; }
#main>p{text-align:center; }
#img-div{max-width:800px ; margin:0 auto; padding:15px; background-color:white;}
#image{display:block;max-width:100%;padding-bottom:10px }
#tribute-info{max-width:600px; margin:0 auto }
#tribute-info>ul li{margin-bottom:10px; line-height:30px; }
footer{text-align:center; }
body{font-family:“lato”,sans-serif; font-size:20px; }
Are you sure thats it? you also need the URL to this exercise just copy and paste in the reply section.
i think i sent you both scripts, html and css , can you check where the mistake is please
have you got the URL
Yes, It`s not working on my project with you code but it does pass.
Take a look at this for some of the solutions. I think this should be used with the body selector as opposed to the main ID.
Thank you sir , yes yes yes the body selector
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