Tribute Page - The Flash

Hi every body hope everythings fine. I have been working a Flash tribute page unfortunately i didn’t have enough time too finish in time but now i want too focus on coding and my family. I don’t know why but my footer don’t work properly any thoughts on what is responsible of this Tribute page - the flash

If you have time, you should read more about this incredible human being on his.Wikipedia entry

You wrote it wrong at the end of your page, that’s why it doesn’t work, you need to write like that! Good luck

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The link is not working

Uncomment these HTML tags, and you will see contents in footer.

no the problem is not here i’ve already try this and deleting it don’t work

Maybe try remove height from .story

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okay thanks for seeing this it helped me handle the text-overflow problem but the footer is still displaying the same way

okay i just tried to remove the relative position parameters and it’s working great