Tribute Page - Tommy Emmanuel


This is what I came up with as a tribute page. It is about Tommy Emmanuel, one of my favourite artists. I made it with HTML and bootstrap 4. I had trouble with aligning all the elements but it came out okay in the end.
What I like about the page:

  • The colour scheme. It isn’t the prettiest but the I like the contrast between the two sections.
  • The discography on the right side fits well.

What I would like some feedback on:

  • Any general advice you may notice.
  • How to make the embedded youtube video fit better into the site.

I hope you like visiting the webpage and I love to hear your thoughts.

I think the page looks good. I like the colors also.
A couple of suggestions;
1- instead of using the full page width, try centering the content so there is some space on both sides.

  • what I have done is use this class “col-md-10 offset-md-1” in the body to give it some space.
    2- If you can find it, it would be nice to have a couple of the Discography songs linked to YouTube or other sites.