Tribute page with UX in mind

hello good people, i made a tribute page with user experience in mind, I included some javas-cript but something seems not working properly. can you please help me debugging it. and as i mentioned earlier i want feed back from UX perspective as well. you contribution is highly appreciated, thanks.

Hi @Fanie, your page looks good. Some things you may want to revisit;

  • You page meets 7/10 user stories. Click on the red button after running the tests and it will tell you which tests failed and why.
  • Page should be responsive. On smaller screens the h2 text cannot be read.
  • For a better user experience, the pics in the slideshow should be the same size so the user doesn’t have to scroll up and down to click on the next (or back) arrow.
  • Might also be better, from a user experience perspective, if the slideshow fit into the viewport height.

thanks i will start checking.