Trouble finding bugs

According to what I have to do, I have to find bugs in a python program, but I’m having trouble finding them apart from what one of the pytest functions caught.
I have to execute the app to test for other bugs not caught by the pytest functions.
I saw the hint (hint: test the boundaries of the Full Retirement Age calculation against the Social Security’s website) and checked the boundaries against the SSA website, but the retirement ages and dates that were returned lined up. I also checked what would happen if I input invalid values for the birth year/month (like “abcd” and “****”), but that did what I expected it would do. I’m sure I’m missing something, but I’m having a hard time finding them. can anyone point me in the right direction on how to find these other bugs? Thanks!

from datetime import datetime


LAST_65_YEAR = 1937

FIRST_66_YEAR = 1943
LAST_66_YEAR = 1954

FIRST_67_YEAR = 1960

MONTH_NAMES = {0: 'january',
               1: 'January',
               2: 'February',
               3: 'March',
               4: 'April',
               5: 'May',
               6: 'June',
               7: 'July',
               8: 'August',
               9: 'September',
               10: 'October',
               11: 'November',
               12: 'December',

# Don't want to use len(MONTH_NAMES) because it's one element
# too long

# Return the age at which a person born in a given year
# is entitled to full Social Security benefits.
# Age is expressed in years and number of months
# within that year.
# For example,
# age_in_years, month_within_yearly_age = full_retirement_age(1955)
# will result in age_in_years == 66
# and month_within_yearly_age == 2
# Birth years may range from 1900 to the present year.
# Invalid birth years return -1 -1
# See
def full_retirement_age(birth_year):
    if birth_year >= CURRENT_YEAR:
        return -1, -1
    if birth_year < EARLIEST_YEAR:
        return -1, -1
    if birth_year <= LAST_65_YEAR:
        return 65, 0
    if birth_year >= FIRST_67_YEAR:
        return 67, 0
    if FIRST_66_YEAR <= birth_year <= LAST_66_YEAR:
        return 66, 0
    if birth_year < FIRST_66_YEAR:
        return 65, (birth_year - LAST_65_YEAR) * 2
    return 66, ((birth_year - LAST_66_YEAR) * 2)

# Return the year and month a person with a given birth year
# is entitled to full retirement benefits from social security
# The year is returned as an int value, the month as a string ('January', for example)
# The birth year must be between 1900 and the current year.
# The birth month must be 0 or 1 for January, 2 for February, 12 for December
# Invalid birth year or month will result in -1 being returned for the year,
# and "invalid" for the month.
def full_retirement_date(birth_year, birth_month):
    birth_month_normalized = birth_month
    # if birth_month == 0:
    #   birth_month_normalized = 1
    age, month_offset = full_retirement_age(birth_year)
    if age == -1 or birth_month_normalized < 0 or birth_month > 12:
        return -1, 'invalid'
    fra_month = birth_month_normalized + month_offset
    fra_year = birth_year + age
    if fra_month > YEAR_LENGTH:
        fra_month -= YEAR_LENGTH
        fra_year += 1
    return fra_year, MONTH_NAMES[fra_month]

# calculator()
def calculator():
    print("Social Security Full Retirement Age Calculator");
    birth_year_str = str(input("Enter the year of birth or <enter> to exit ")).strip()
    while birth_year_str != '':
        birth_year = int(birth_year_str)
        birth_month = int(input("Enter the month of birth (<Enter> implies 0)"))
        fra_age_years, fra_age_months = full_retirement_age(birth_year)
        fra_date_year, fra_date_month = full_retirement_date(birth_year, birth_month)
        print("your full retirement age is ", fra_age_years, " and ", fra_age_months, " months")
        print("this will be in ", fra_date_month, " of ", fra_date_year, "\n")
        birth_year_str = input("Enter the year of birth or <enter> to exit ")

# main()
def main():


have you tried running the program? it didn’t take much to find at least one bug that way

Yes, I tried running the program

in all possible ways?

Yes, I think so, unless I was missing something.

And in this part, I thought that maybe if the user did not enter anything should return 0

        birth_month = int(input("Enter the month of birth (<Enter> implies 0)"))

try it, what happens?

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/josechavez/Desktop/CSC256PublicChangeDoc/changedoc/", line 21, in <module>
  File "/Users/josechavez/Desktop/CSC256PublicChangeDoc/changedoc/", line 18, in main
  File "/Users/josechavez/Desktop/CSC256PublicChangeDoc/changedoc/", line 9, in calculator
    birth_month = int(input("Enter the month of birth (<Enter> implies 0)"))
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''

so it seems you found your bug, now you will have to fix it

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it wasn’t in the code you posted

Here and hey thanks.

birth_month_str = str(input("Enter the month of birth (<Enter> implies 0) ")).strip()
        if birth_month_str == '':
            birth_month_str = 0
        birth_month = int(birth_month_str)

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