Trouble with reqired response to log. What is going on here? Please?

Tell us what’s happening:

I’m having alot of trouble getting part of this to pass tests.
although it passes the last test when the queries are added. I can find no difference to what’s returned and the example or the output
from the example programs.

Here’s whats happening runs the tests

post /api/users/:_id/logs req.body=  {}
post /api/users/:_id/logs req.params=  { _id: '619062c982800169b43aa4c0' }
from:  1989-12-31T00:00:00.000Z to:  1990-01-03T23:59:59.000Z
Returning : {
  username: 'fcc_test_16368524256',
  count: 2,
  _id: '619062c982800169b43aa4c0',
  log: [
    { description: 'test', duration: 60, date: 'Tue Jan 02 1990' },
    { description: 'test', duration: 60, date: 'Mon Jan 01 1990' }
post /api/users/:_id/logs req.body=  {}
post /api/users/:_id/logs req.params=  { _id: '619062c982800169b43aa4c0' }
from:  1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z to:  2021-11-14T23:59:59.999Z
Returning : {
  username: 'fcc_test_16368524256',
  count: 1,
  _id: '619062c982800169b43aa4c0',
  log: [ { description: 'test', duration: 60, date: 'Mon Jan 01 1990' } ]

this is the code

app.get('/api/users/:_id/logs', async (req, res) => {
  console.log("post /api/users/:_id/logs req.body= ", req.body);
  console.log("post /api/users/:_id/logs req.params= ", req.params);
  try {
    const user = await User.findById({ _id: req.params._id }, 'username',)
    if (!user)
      return res.status(404).send({ error: "Invalid User" })

    const uname = user.username;
    const uid = req.params._id;
    const from = req.query.from ? new Date(moment(req.query.from, 'YYYY-MM-DD').toISOString()) : new Date(0);
    const eod = new moment().endOf('day');
    const now = new moment();
    const to = new Date(moment(, 'YYYY-MM-DD').set({'hours' : 23, 'minutes': 59, 'seconds': 59}).toISOString())  : eod.toISOString();
    // ? moment.set({ 'hour': 12, 'minute': 0 }).toDate() 
    const limit = (typeof (req.query.limit) != 'undefined') ? Number(req.query.limit) : MAX_QUERY_RECS;
    console.log("from: ", from, "to: ", to);

    const activities = await Activity.find({
      assocId: uid,
      date: { $gte: from, $lte: to }
    }, 'description duration date')

    // This little kludgey bit is here to give me access to 
    // manipulate the return values and order

    factivities = []
    activities.forEach((element) => {
        description: element.description,
        duration: element.duration,
    console.log("Returning :", new Object({
      username: uname,
      count: activities.length,
      _id: uid,
      log: factivities


    res.status(200).send(new Object({
      username: uname,
      count: activities.length,
      _id: uid,
      log: factivities
  catch (e) {

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