Trying this 2 ways but none are working

Sorry. I don’t actually understand what you said and the doc you linked is too confusing for me.

Can you describe without assuming I understand anything other than the fact that falsey boolean = 0, -0, null, false, NaN, undefined, or the empty string ("")? So basically I know why it’s not falsey.

I read this explanation. If you think this past answer is not enough then we can continue discussing it If (arr[i] == true) vs. if (arr[i])

This describes it as if(arr[i] == true) means “if the value of arr[i] is literally the boolean true …”

if(arr[i]) means “if the value at arr[i] is something that is not ‘falsy’…”

Assuming because the problem asked to return those that are not falsy is why we can’t use if(arr[i] == true)