Trying to incorporate JS into HTML with following code, however it isn't working

<script language="javascript"
var humidity;
var weatherIcon;
var pressure;
var uvIndex;
var temperature;
var temperatureIcon
var windBearing;
var windSpeed;
var weatherSummary;

window.onload = function() {
  humidity = document.getElementById("current-humidity");
  weatherIcon = document.getElementById("current-icon");
  pressure = document.getElementById("current-pressure");
  uvIndex = document.getElementById("current-uvIndex");
  temperature = document.getElementById("current-temperature");
  temperatureIcon = document.getElementById("temperature-icon");
  windBearing = document.getElementById("current-wind-bearing");
  windSpeed = document.getElementById("current-wind-speed");
  weatherSummary = document.getElementById("weather-summary");

function farenheitToCelsius(k) {
  return Math.round((k - 32) * 0.5556 );

function humidityPercentage(h) {
  return Math.round(h * 100);

function degreesToDirection(degrees) {
    var range = 360/16;
    var low = 360 - range/2;
    var high = (low + range) % 360;
    var angles = ["N", "NNE", "NE", "ENE", "E", "ESE", "SE", "SSE", "S", "SSW", "SW", "WSW", "W", "WNW", "NW", "NNW"]
    for (i in angles) {

        if(degrees>= low && degrees < high)
            return angles[i];

        low = (low + range) % 360;
        high = (high + range) % 360;

function knotsToKilometres(knot) {
  return Math.round( knot * 1.852);

var weatherImages = {
  "clear-day": "",
  "clear-night": "",
  "rain": "",
  "snow": "",
  "sleet": "",
  "wind": "",
  "fog": "",
  "cloudy": "",
  "partly-cloudy-day": "",
  "partly-cloudy-night": "",
  "hail": "",
  "thunderstorm": "",
  "tornado": ""

var getWeather = function() {
        var lat = position.coords.latitude;
        var long = position.coords.longitude;
        showWeather(lat, long)
       else {
            window.alert("Could not get location");
  function showWeather(lat, long) {
    var url = `${lat},${long}` + `?format=jsonp&callback=displayWeather`;
    var script = document.createElement("script");
    script.type = "text/javascript";
    script.src = url;

var object;

 function displayWeather(object) {
    humidity.innerHTML = "Humidity: " + humidityPercentage(object.currently.humidity) + "%";
    weatherIcon.src = weatherImages[object.currently.icon];
    pressure.innerHTML = "Pressure: " + object.currently.pressure + " mb";
    uvIndex.innerHTML = "uvIndex: " + object.currently.uvIndex;
    temperature.innerHTML = farenheitToCelsius(object.currently.temperature) + " C" + " / " + object.currently.temperature + " F";
   temperatureIcon.src = "";
    windBearing.innerHTML = "Wind Direction: " + degreesToDirection(object.currently.windBearing);
    windSpeed.innerHTML = "Wind Speed: " + knotsToKilometres(object.currently.windSpeed) + " km/h";
    weatherSummary.innerHTML = "Current Location: " + object.timezone + " <br/> <br/> Weather Summary: " + object.currently.summary;
     document.getElementById("current-icon").style.backgroundColor = "hsl(216, 100%, 60%)"; 
    document.getElementById("weather-summary").style.backgroundColor = "hsl(216, 100%, 60%)"; 


For some reason, this code isn’t working when put in to my website html placer (
I don’t really do HTML, as I am a Java/Lua person.

It should be <script language="javascript">, though the language=“javascript” is unnecessary.

You forgot the >

oof that was stupid of me. thanks though.

Still not working…