Unable to get data from a given url using 'request' module in Nodejs

Hello all- I am new to Node.js. I am facing one problem while doing a http request from an url. Every time it is showing ‘undefined’.

  const request = require('request')
  const url ='https://api.darksky.net/forecast/5a6c29e0d9c879cef11d4d5de29d7d78/37.8267,-122.4233'
  request({ url:url }, (error,response) => {

Node and npm version I am using –
C:\Users\lenovo>node -v

C:\Users\lenovo>npm -v
and the dependency list attached belowdependency

Hi Randell - Sorry, this code is not there on GitHub. Do you need any more info I can assist you with?

Umm… does the second line above have an equals? const url 'https://...' is likely throwing up an error.

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Hi snowmonkey - That was an typo. ignore it and proceed.

Hi, I don’t think you have any problem with your code. I just ran your code and I am getting valid response.