Unable to pass even though my output seems correct. May I know what's wrong in my code?

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It’s telling me that my output is wrong but I am not sure where did I make a mistake
because when I am comparing the output, it looks the same as mine. May I know what is wrong in my code here?

Your code so far

def arithmetic_arranger(problems,chk = False):
    sign = ""
    val = problems
    ln = len(val)
    if ln > 5:
        return "Error: Too many problems."
    fline = ""
    sline = ""
    dline = ""
    ansline = ""    
    for i in val:
        first = i.split()
        num1 = first[0]
        num2 = first[2]
        len1 = len(num1)
        len2 = len(num2)
            num1 = int(first[0])
            num2 = int(first[2])
            return "Error: Numbers must only contain digits."
        if(num1/1000 > 10):
            return "Error: Numbers cannot be more than four digits."
        elif(num2/1000 > 10):
            return "Error: Numbers cannot be more than four digits."
                return "Error: Operator must be '+' or '-'."  
                sum = num1 - num2    
                sign = '-'
            sum = num1 + num2          
            sign = "+"
        str_ans = str(sum)
        len3 = len(str_ans)
        if len1 > len2 : 
            sp2 = " "*(len1-len2+1)
            dash = "-"*(len1+2)
            sp3 = " "*(len1+2-len3)

               fline += f"  {num1}"
               sline += f"{sign}{sp2}{num2}"
               dline += f"{dash}"
               if chk is True:
                 ansline += f"{sp3}{sum}" 

               fline += f"  {num1}    "
               sline += f"{sign}{sp2}{num2}    "
               dline += f"{dash}    "
               if chk is True:
                 ansline += f"{sp3}{sum}    "
            sp1 = " "*(len2-len1+2)         
            dash = "-"*(len2+2)
            sp3 = " "*(len2+2-len3)
                fline += f"{sp1}{num1}"
                sline += f"{sign} {num2}"
                dline += f"{dash}"
                if chk is True:
                    ansline += f"{sp3}{sum}"
                fline += f"{sp1}{num1}    "
                sline += f"{sign} {num2}    "
                dline += f"{dash}    "
                if chk is True:
                    ansline += f"{sp3}{sum}    "

    # print(fline+"\n"+sline+"\n"+dline+"\n"+ansline)     
    result = f"{fline}\n{sline}\n{dline}\n{ansline}" 
    return result

** error image**

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Challenge: Arithmetic Formatter

Link to the challenge:

There was a simple mistake which has been solved. I was returning the answer line too even when there wasn’t any True argument. I’m not getting any errors now.

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Good work finding the issue! I went ahead and formatted your post to make it easier to read.

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