Unable to think like a programmer

Hi there.

Im 20yo student and im doing programming about 3 years or so. I learned html, css, sass, php & php nette framework (popular in out republic) and some sql (doctrine). Im working as a developer right now. But I have some issues with logical thinking. I never completed task for 100%. I always forget something. Like check all inputs or “I i was a user, what would i do?” stuff. My tasks always ends with errors and boss is forced to throw the task on my head and show me with his fingers where and why is code missing.

Any ideas how to learn to think from the several ways and overcome this problem? Thanks.

Part of it is experience. Hopefully you’re not making the same mistakes repeatedly. It sounds like you might also benefit from a more organized process. I use pen and paper a lot at work to track the acceptance criteria, expectations, things to look out for, concerns that flit across my head or someone else mentions, happy paths, sad paths, and edge cases. If possible, maybe work with another developer during the task. You can ask to use them as a sounding board or just to “sanity check” your progress.

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Totally agree with you @Leslie… I think being more organised is going to help you keep track of the tasks you have completed and the ones you are yet to complete. By writing, you free your mind from having to remember all the tasks you have to complete and focus more on writing good code.

You need to get in the habit of documenting projects with checklists. Creating the checklist in itself will help you remember. Checklists won’t get everything but they can start to impliment ordered thinking and can catch common mistakes. Part of it is also checking as you go to prevent large mistakes that are difficult to recover from and also making frequent commits.

Another trick is to keep an error log. Every time you spend more than 30 mins debugging something write it down together with what caused the problem.

On checklists there is a book called the checklist manifesto about how surgeons kill less people through the use of simple checklists