Url slug works, don't know why [Spoiler]

I wrote the following code to solve the url slug challenge, and I’m not positive on why it works.

function urlSlug(title) {
    var lowerCharArr = title.toLowerCase().split(" ");
    return lowerCharArr.filter((word) => {
        return word;

I can see that the split on line 2 creates empty arrays but I’m not sure why my filter() method discards those from the return.

I ended up writing the following code for clarity…

function urlSlug(title) {
    var lowerCharArr = title.toLowerCase().split(" ");
    return lowerCharArr.filter((word) => {
        return word != '';

My friend earlier explained it as something to do with the way js handles typecasting but if someone could explain further that would be great! Thanks everyone :slight_smile:

Empty strings are evaluated as false so your first filter function is discarding empty strings.

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