Using vs code and kinda confused

so i am working on a online keyboard and while i was doing the css i did control s in style file it didnt save the changes on the browserl but once i did control save in html file the changes the css appeared. what im asking does control save only work for one file that u are currently on, bc i been using vs code and i never noticed this?

CTRL-s should save the current file in vs code.

Is that what you were using? (Vs code?)

ya it does but i just realized even tho i been using it for a whole year, control s didnt save my html style and js file all together it only saved the current file i was n i had to save all soo all changes would see when i did go live

if you open your vs code settings, you can find an option to auto save after a delay. This will save everything that is open automatically, periodically.

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