What does opaque text mean?

No idea what is wrong with this code but at line 9 and beyond everything I type is more opaque than the rest. I assume this means it is an error. but I even tried copy pasting the normal lines above and they just go opaque. code will not pass.

   **Your code so far**

const names = ["Hole-in-one!", "Eagle", "Birdie", "Par", "Bogey", "Double Bogey", "Go Home!"];

function golfScore(par, strokes) {
 // Only change code below this line
if (strokes == 1) {
  return names[0]
  } if else (strokes <= par - 2) {
  return names[1] 
  } if else (strokes == par - 1) {
  return names[2] 
  } if else (strokes == par) {
  return names[3] 
  } if else (strokes == par + 1) {
  return names[4] 
  } if else (strokes == par + 2) {
  return names[5] 
  } if else (strokes >= par - 3) {
  return names[6] 

 // Only change code above this line

golfScore(5, 4);
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Challenge: Golf Code

Link to the challenge:

It’s “else if” not “if else”.

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