What does "rendering" mean?

Hi coders,
I’m doing a table in Bootstrap that show me data using method get with Api service.
My mentor have used a JAvascript function called renderTable ,but i don’t understand what exactly does it do.

function renderTable() {
        striped: true,
        pagination: true,
        pageSize: 10,
        pageList: [10, 25, 50, 100],
        singleSelect: false,
        idField: 'idInvoice',
        sortable: true,
        columns: [
            { field: 'cmdId', title: 'Cmd', formatter: 'cmdFormatter', sortable: false, width: '7%' },
            { field: 'idInvoice', title: 'Invoice', sortable: true },
            { field: 'clientDescription', title: 'Client',  sortable: true },
            { field: 'projectDescription', title: 'Project', sortable: true },
            { field: 'dateInvoice', title: 'Date', sortable: true }

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As in take some code structure and put a visual representation of it on the page. Depict something, visually. Like a browser can read some HTML and render a visual version of it.

So the bootstrapTable function is given the data it needs, and it will build/populate the HTML on the page.