What is this mean I don't understand?

The main element should have two paragraph elements as children.

  <child>I am nested inside the parent element</child>

<main> is the tag for a main element, <p> is the tag for a paragraph element. HTML works by wrapping text in these type of tags so that the browser understands what to do with it, for example:

<p>I am a paragraph of text. HTML works by wrapping text in these type of tags so that the browser understands what to do with it.</p>

By wrapping, I mean you put an opening tag at the start of the text (<p>), and a closing tag at the end (</p>). <p>Like this</p>.

Thank you for reply me, I’m new to this so it’s hard for me to understand but thank you by the way.

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It will get easier as you get used to the syntax (then it will get harder again…then easier…then harder and so on forever :upside_down_face:)

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Hahaha, yeah it’s going to be a tough one to learn but thank you for telling me all of this stuff :slightly_smiling_face: