What should I include inside a project. (404page? 500error page?)

If let’s say that I am building a site for a small business, what should I include inside my project folder?
I know that you gotta have your

  • index.html
  • style.css
  • app.js

what else should you include?
do I need to include a 404 error page? if so, where should I deploy it?
what about a 500 server error page?

I just wonder what does the whole package include…

questsion is how will you render that 404 and 500 error page?
i mean what would be your server side language?
each and every development stack have different project folder

If I only want to build a static site, I won’t be needing a 404 page nor a 500 page right?

Or if I use php/mySQL as server site languages, how should I deploy those pages??

if you are building a static site then don’t need to show that pages but if you want to include it it will be better for you ( practice)
i dont have experience with php/mysql but i can help you with node/mongo

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thanks for the info

if I am only building a static site, let’s say I created a 404 page, then what?

creat 404/500 and two three another pages
just put some checks on going to page etc

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I see. Thanks! (20 character)