What the problem with my code

import re

def arithmetic_arranger(problems, solve = False):
  if(len(problems) > 5):
    return "Error:Too many Problems"
  first = ""
  second = ""
  line = ""
  sumx = ""
  string = ""
  for problem in problem:
    if(re.search("[^\$0-9.+-]", problem)):
      if(re.search("[/]", problem) or re.search ("*", problem )):
        return "Error: Operator must be '+' or '-'."  
      return "Error:Numbers must be only contains digits"

    firstnumber = problem.split(" ")[0]
    operator = problem.split(" ")[1]
    secondnumber = problem.split(" ")[2]

    if(len(firstnumber) >= 5 or len(secondnumber) >= 5):
      return "Numbers cant be more than 4 digits"

    sum = ""
    if(operator == "+"):
      sum = str(int(firstnumber) + int(secondnumber))
    elif(operator == "-"):
      sum = str(int(firstnumber) - int(secondnumber)
    length = max(len(firstnumber), len(secondnumber))
    top = str(firstnumber).rjust(length)
    bottom = operator + str(secondnumber).rjust(length - 1)
    line = ""
    res = str(sum).rjust(length)
    for s in range(length):
      line += "-"
    if problem != problems(-1):
      first += top + "  "
      second += bottom + "  "
      lines += line + "  "
      sumx += res + "  "
      first += top
      second += bottom
      lines += line
      sumx += res

    if solve:
      string = first + "\n" + second + "\n" + lines + "\n" + sumx + "\n"
      string = first + "\n" + second + "\n" + lines
      return string

Hi @loaiesam1234

Welcome to FCC.

I’ve edited your post for readability. When you enter a code block into a forum post, please precede it with a separate line of three backticks and follow it with a separate line of three backticks to make it easier to read.

You can also use the “preformatted text” tool in the editor (</>) to add backticks around text.

See this post to find the backtick on your keyboard.
Note: Backticks (`) are not single quotes (’).

It would also be useful to provide a description of what is not working or what error you are seeing.

It seems you are returning on,y if solve is false, any reason there?

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