What would make my project display differently on my FCC profile as though some of my styles were not applied?

I completed my product landing page project on 8th Nov., 2024. Every style is well applied as intended when the page is loaded on my PC.

But this morning, I decided to have a review of all my completed projects, so that I could see what my portfolio page would look like , I noticed that, the margin-bottom of my card content has increased, shifting the product description to the top. Even some styles on documentataion project were not fully applied, when viewed on my profile.

Please, what could be the cause of this misbehaviour?

I want to start my portforlio project today and, I’m very passionate about completing the whole course on Responsive Web Design, so could move onto JavaScript.

Thank you in advance, co-Campers, for your kind and helpful replies.

Hi there @wemoren !
This misbehavior could be due to a few common causes:

Different Browser Rendering or Zoom Levels: Browsers can interpret styling slightly differently, and if you’re viewing the page in a different browser or with a different zoom level, layout changes may appear. Check if everything is consistent across multiple browsers and reset the zoom to 100%.

Cache or Outdated CSS: If the browser has cached an older version of your CSS, it may not show the latest styles. Try clearing the cache or forcing a reload with Ctrl + Shift + R (or equivalent for your browser).

Viewport and Responsive Units (vh, vw): Elements styled with viewport units (vh, vw) can behave differently across devices, especially when moving from desktop to mobile.

External Stylesheet or CDN Issues: If your project relies on any external CSS files (like a Google Fonts or Font Awesome CDN), and they’re not loading, this could impact your design. Double-check that all external resources are loading properly.

Layout Overflow from Another Element: Sometimes, unintended overflow from an element can push surrounding content. Using browser developer tools, inspect the elements around the card content to see if margins or padding values have changed or are overlapping.

Thanks for your reply. I’ll try out those.