What's the efficient way to add a lot of PDF files to my website?

I am creating a website where I am intending on sharing a lot of pdf files ( more than 1000 file) in different sections of the website
My method/code right now:

  • <a href" path of my file"=type=“application/pdf” target="_blank" >Name of my file
  • this method works just fine minus some delay in showing/displaying of the pdf file
    I am asking if there’s a better way to add all these files to my website and also if there’s something I should take into consideration since I am uploading loads of pdf files to the website

    What tech skills are you comfortable with?

    Depending on your skillset I can recommend a solution.

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    I m comfortable with CSS and HTML but so far I have used php and javascript for my website but it’s nothing something I am good at.