When can I start look for jobs?

SQL is not the only database language out there, maybe someone wants to learn a different one

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Yeah, now I’m learning Firebase, which is not needed a back-end language.

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Yeah absolutely important! It’s just not required though. You could be a front developer and never have to worry about a backend technology at all.

You could work with NoSQL only databases, or GraphQL engines like Hasura and Prisma, or use something like Fauna. SQL is a super handy skill to have and I recommend learning it but it’s definitely not a requirement to be a web developer.

Yeah it’s amazing how many ways you can build an application now! I’m building an app that has some basic CRUD and relationships between models with no backend right now on Netlify using Fauna as my database. It’s really interesting, but I’m stitching a lot of tech together, the serverless functions are still Node (backend language) and the architecture is all based on my own opinions.

Something like Rails, Django or Laravel make a ton of decisions for you as a developer so if you’re still a beginner frameworks like that allow you to build a ton of functionality without needing to actually know how to implement most of it.

Email, notifications, job systems and queues, request validation, error handling, database migrations, querying, unit testing, http testing, e2e testing, managing user sessions across multiple devices, password resets and email verification etc. The list goes on and on. These frameworks do a ton of work for you so you can focus on just building your app.

I think you go to linkedin after cmpleting 2-3 projects . LinkedIn is a good place, make sure to fill out as much as you can. Keep your bio short so recruiters and other people can quickly read and see what kind of person you are.

@anon38330656 's list covers the largest share of open jobs in most markets. It’s just not the trendiest stack.

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