When do you start the hands-on analysis in Data Analysis with Python course?


I just started the Data Analysis with Python course and was wondering when I’d start the actual hands-on coding using Python for data analysis? I also have 0 coding background or computer science background, so I hope it’s okay to start here instead of with HTML.

Also, if I should be starting the coding on Python now, how do I get started? What do I need to install?


The Data Analysis course doesn’t offer hands-on python programming until you reach the projects, which can be overwhelming cause they are difficult IMO. If you are really learning python from the beginning, starts with the Scientific Computing course because it really tells you all about python basics. Do take notes of the codes that you are not familiar with, unless you already know what they mean. Usually, if you already know how to program, you can switch to any other program easily, but still, it is suggested if you learn the basic stuff first, cause program language varies from each other.

Thanks for your help. I’ve started the Scientific Computing course as you’ve recommended! Wish you all the best.

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